Kyoto University Center for Applied Philosophy & Ethics応用哲学・倫理学教育研究センター

"Judgment of perception" and "Judgment of experience" in Kant (Workshop in Yang Ming University, Taiwan.)

Dear all,

Please find my abstract and powerpoint slides below. 

(These slides are of my presentation in Yang-Ming University (2015 NYMU-Kyoto Students Workshop on Mind, Language and Art). 

Because there is no board about the conference, I post my slides on this page.)

Hope to recieve any questions, comments, or/and criticisms from you. 

See you next time in Kyoto!




Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/09/2015 07:13PM by Jin SASAKI.

"Judgment of perception" and "Judgment of experience" in Kant (Workshop in Yang Ming University, Taiwan.)

Let me make several comments on this presentation.

  • 1)    It had better mention Kant’s own examples of ‘judgments of perception and experience’ to make them more understandable.
  • 2)    It should be carefully examined whether judgment of perception and its category-free character are compatible or not with the ideas of judgment and categories in the first critique. The latters appear to imply that any judgment, provisionally or not, should be in accordance with categories, logical or real.
  • 3)    If there is inconsistency between the first critique’s ideas and the judgment of perception, the mere distinction of two contexts; ‘normative’ and ‘descriptive’, doesn’t clarify the issue at all; it means that transcendental arguments in the ‘normative’ context are incompatible with empirical psychology. Kant and anyone else remain unhappy with this incompatibility. They wish that any psychological distinction between, say, provisional and full fledged judgments are in conform with transcendental arguments.
  • 4)    In other words, as far as a tension remains between the ‘normative’ and the ‘descriptive’ contexts, the tension cannot be dispelled by introduction of two ‘contexts’.
  • 5)    One promising direction of further research is, I suggest, to admit the tension and to ask its significance in Kantian entire project.
  • 6)    Then what significance it can have? My further comments are to be continued, and let me invite anyone to comment on this issue if he or she is interested in it.